Martyr or Terrorist? Misperception of Jihad

Finally, Bali bombers were executed for death penalty. Some interesting moments are when our broadcast stations are rushing to have a special program, showing how people especially bombers family are very proud with the bombers and cursing government for being devil take the bombers life. Even some reporters "slip" to says that the bombers are warriors and/or heroes of the Muslims.

Wait, heroes? I'm a Muslim as well and this statement really really annoying me for days and nights.

I believe that some "hard liner" had a misperception in understanding the true meaning of Jihad. In Al qur'an, we could see the differencies between Jihad and Qitaal (war). True that Jihad could mean mentally, ideologically and physically fighting for the truth in the name of Allah and working hard for the glory of Islam. Glory of Islam meaning that Islam as a religion is accepted as Rahmatan Lil Alamin, prospherity for the universe. How could the prospherity achieved by killing other people?
Last Sunday, leading Muslim organizations Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah have called on Muslims to cease glorifying the three executed Bali bombers, branding them terrorists rather than martyrs or holy warriors. Calling Amrozi, his brother Ali Ghufron, alias Mukhlas, and Imam Samudra martyrs will only inspire other Muslims to follow in their un-Islamic steps and give rise to more bombers. Bombings, murders and other violence carried out in the name of religion would not grant the perpetrators martyrdom or a “ticket to heaven”.
I believe that the bombers’ actions destroyed the image of Islam, causing the international community to question whether the religion really fostered peace or violence. Glorifying the three Bali bombers as mujahid (martyrs) is a grave mistake. It stems from a delusion that such an honor can be achieved through bombings and shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great)”. A jihad or holy war to defend Islam must be done by “improving the Muslim community’s prosperity, knowledge and morality”.
Masdar, an Islamic jurisprudence expert, said the execution of the three convicted terrorists should be seen as an application of qishas (strict Islamic law that suggests a soul be paid with a soul), which the bombers strongly believed in. “Based on the qishas model, they still owe at least 199 souls. And that doesn’t include the injuries and the severe damage they caused to Islam and Muslims,” Masdar added.
I must say that I agree with Mr. Masdar
However we have to be aware that support for the three terrorists could grow and inspire a new generation of bombers because of the government’s execution delays and intensive media coverage.
This misperception of Jihad is a misuse of Islam by the Bali bombers to achieve their goals. Achieving goals through violent means is not part of Islamic teaching that promotes blessings and peace for the universe.
Remember that the basic of Islam is as Rahmatan lil Alamin. Meaning every step and action must be based on that. Islam reject all violence and terrorism. And a jihad can’t be achieved by attacking others, even those considered enemies. We must learn after this that the use of violence and attacks cannot be tolerated in our religion. Indonesian Muslims should learn not to allow radicalism and religious violence to fester in the world’s largest Muslim-majority country.
Finally, as a Muslims I must say that I'm very sad with those misperception of Jihad by some other Muslims.

May allah give us the light for see and understand His ways better as a Rahmatan lil alamin.


  1. May peace springs on earth ^_^
    Good thought, Sir, salute !!

  2. sikap yang mungkin tidak bisa dibenarkan tapi saya tetap menghargai keyakinan salah satu saudara muslim saya ini dalam menjalankan keyakinannya meski tidak ada pembenaran yang dapat meyakinkan saya... anyway, innalillahi wa inna illaihi rojiun..

  3. wallahu a'lam bish showab ci..tapi sebagai sesama muslim harus mau mengingatkan kepada saudaranya bagaimana memahami dan bagaimana seharusnya bersikap dan bertindak sebagai seorang muslim...

  4. They are not affraid to die, but affraid to live...


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